Bar Admissions & Memberships

Istanbul Bar Association


Istanbul University, Faculty of Law

Practice Areas

Criminal Law

Inheritance Law

Civil Law

Real Estate Law

Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law


Hişar Zoroğlan


Graduated from Law Faculty of Istanbul University, having the experience of representing his clients before the courts in many cities, all over the country and in various complexed prosecutions and litigations, Hişar Zoroğlan is one of the most qualified attorneys at law, who has developed close relationships and a great network in legal community.  With his outstanding experience of wide scale of various legal topics, he has provided a distinctive and very comprehensive legal service to our clients particularly in his expertise areas of Criminal Law, Inheritance Law, Real-Estate Law. He is also experienced in Debt Enforcement and Bankruptcy Law and Civil Law.


Hişar Zoroğlan is registered before the Istanbul Bar Association.