Commercial Law
Since, as JURLEGAL legal counsels, we partnered various business with a long time in-house counseling experience, we know business demand and drivers, and understand what business needs.
We provide our global and local clients legal service for their long term goals in international business and transactions, in any kind of vertical relationship agreements such as distributorship, wholesaler and retailer sales agreements, and in horizontal relationship agreements such as strategic partnership, collaboration agreements including a comprehensive Competition Law guidance. The Consumer and Retail industry is diverse, dynamic, fast-paced and far-reaching. Technological opportunities and risks, heightened competition, globalisation; the sector faces a range of challenges. We have a wide experience and time pleaser approach in various topics under commercial law including but not limited to Affiliation relationships, Agency Business, Franchising, Portfolio (equalization) Compensations, Unfair Competition Disputes, Product Liability Cases, Parallel Trades, Flagship Stores, Consumer Law, all pecuniary and non-pecuniary compensation types, …
As another topic, e-commerce sales will not stop growing and many corporate sell their products and services online. We provide comprehensive legal services with regards to this modern market segment. Marketing of certain products, review of operations of e-shops, proceedings in cases of the infringement of the rights of consumers, representing our clients before authorities are some of the legal services we provide regarding to e-commerce topic.